For His Glory

About Midnight
3 min readDec 5, 2021

Acts 16:25

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.

Here’s a question:

Are you in a relationship that you believe is from God, but everything surrounding it is chaos?

Here’s my answer

So in the bible it talks about Peter denying Jesus three times, (Mark 14:27–31 and Mark 14:66–72) this led Peter to come to a full revelation of who Christ was and of Christ’s love for him (Mark 16: 7) the Angel who rolled away the stone when the women went to go clean Jesus body with herbs specifically says ‘But go, tell his disciples and Peter’

After this betrayal Peter let the devil using guilt tell him that Jesus didn’t love him, that Jesus didn’t want him anymore and that he was no longer a disciple but this separation from Jesus allowed him to preach the gospel with boldness (Acts chapter 1 and 3)

Everything that happens in life, is ultimately for Gods glory. Had Peter not been separated from Jesus after denying him, Peter would not have done all the amazing things he did.

Another example is Joseph, if his brothers hadn’t sold him to slavery, Joseph would have always had his family but never been second to the king of Egypt allowing him to stop millions of people dying from starvation because of the famine

(Genesis 37, Genesis 45 and Genesis 50: 15- 19)

Everything that happens is for Gods glory! We don’t know to know why, or understand the process but we do have to trust Him

If they break up, it’s because God needs to do a work in both of them. We might see them as ready but God knows the truth and that trust might be they’re not ready

God may bring them back together and if He does your parents will agree because God will move in their hearts BUT if he doesn’t bring them back together like Job they will see that Gods plan is always best and they will end up with better

Even our relationships are for Gods glory! He could have big plans for them as a married couple in ministry, in missions, in the community but he needs to put skills in them or the devil will kill their marriage

Think about David, when he got to the war he said to King Saul ‘God has trained me, I have been fighting lions, tigers and bears in the field’

Imagine if David hadn’t been fighting huge animals and went to fight Goliath- David would have died and so would the family line God had chosen to bring Jesus into the world

(1 Samuel 17:34–48)

Jesus would have come regardless and God will always honour our choices but we can make the most of this life by choosing Gods way and the honour that comes with that will be unbelievable

I bet Peter, Joseph or Job could have ever guessed where God would take them, but I bet if you ask them. They will say it’s all worth it!

Don’t worry about what might happen to your brother and your friend in the future, if it is Gods will they be together nothing can stop it. God loved them BOTH more than you ever could- He made them!!

Let me give you a personal example, in August 2021 God asked me to break up with my boyfriend and separate from all my friends. If I had refused God would still honour and love me, but we would have never met and I wouldn’t be able to give you this message. If I stayed with my boyfriend, I would have moved to Sheffield — I wouldn’t even be in Manchester for us to meet! So the pain I experienced was not just for me but also for you. I had no idea, but it is worth it to share the gospel!

So take heart, God knows what He’s doing. It can be tough and confusing sometimes and even through Gods plan might take you through the valley, He will never leave you, your brother or your friend nor forsake you.



About Midnight

Acts 16:25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.